MY story

Nathan is a New York City-based actor, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter.

Born in Youngstown, OH and raised in Virgil, NY (where there are actually more cows than people), Nathan spent most of his childhood undecided as to whether he wanted to be a southpaw pitcher for the New York Mets or a Jedi when he grew up. After briefly considering oboist and mathematician as alternative options, he realized the narrative that you had to choose one single passion to pursue for your entire life was a paralyzing idea, and that all jobs were worthy pursuits that can only add to your experience as an individual and a storyteller. He continues to apply this philosophy to his artistic and daily life, and has worked as an economist, scenic designer, roofer, woodworker, bartender, and high school basketball referee.

After graduating Cornell University with a degree in theatre and furthering his studies at the London Dramatic Academy, Nathan relocated to NYC. He has been fortunate enough to work as an actor on both stage and screen, and he has composed original music for a number of theatrical productions for Hudson Classical Theater Company, where he is an Artist-in-Residence. He also writes and performs original Americana/folk music.

Professional inquiries, personal anecdotes, and pirate jokes are welcome on the Contact page.